Below are some common Benign Breast Disorders
Yes it is common and mostly seen in 15yrs - 25 yrs age group. It grows in size with puberty and pregnancy.
Generally No, but certain types turn gigantic with time and cause other problems like pain, compression of nerves / blood vessels.
Normally No, since each breast has about 20 milk duct and despite surgery, many remain patent.
During your monthly breast self-examination, keep an eye of the early warning listed below.
Breast lumps are usually suspected or felt during self-breast examination or clinical breast exam. If you have symptoms or lump, you may have to undergo one or more of these follow-up tests to rule out or confirm the presence of cancer:
Depending the upon the stage of breast cancer, Dr. Sanjitha Shampur will recommend an appropriate plan for your treatment.
Your treatment plan could involve a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotheraphy, hormone & Immunotherapy etc.
A diagnostic mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breasts. Mammograms uses low-dose x-rays to discover unusual signs or symptoms like lumps or abnormalities in one or both the breasts more closely. This is commonly used during an initial breast cancer screening.
Mammography can sometimes cause slight discomfort for a very brief period of time as it involves compression of the breast. Ideally, mammograms are scheduled a week after woman’s menstrual cycle so that the breasts are less tender.
Below is the recommendation of American Cancer Society for breast cancer screening for women.